Patient, Health-facility and Socio-cultural related factors associated with non-adherence have
contributed to poor management of ART among HIV/AIDS clients. In Lodwar County and Referral
Hospital, Turkana County, a significantly high number of clients on ARV therapy have defaulted
treatment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors associated with non-adherence
to anti-retroviral treatment in Lodwar County and Referral Hospital (LCRH), Turkana, Kenya. The
study was guided by cross sectional descriptive study design where qualitative and quantitative
data were collected. The research instruments used for data collection consisted of structured
questionnaires, interview schedules among clients on ARV therapy and documents analysis. The
sample size was obtained using the modified Fishers formula at 95% level of confidence. TheStatistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the
data. The findings in the study revealed that there are many patient, health system and sociocultural
related factors associated with non-adherence. From the study document analysis at
LCRH there should be 5243 people on ARVs, however, as at January 2018 there were 1551 (30%)
who were actively on ARVs this shows that there is 70 % default rate. The study found that,
Patients’ related factors that are causing non-adherence include; lack of education, lack of support,
the distance to facility, lack of food, the side effects, alcohol use among many others. The study
concluded that, health facility should improve their service delivery to the patients, change attitude
and conduct adherence counseling. There is need to sensitize the community members to accept
the HIV+ people to enable them express their health issues. They should support them and ensure
that they are trained on how to use ARVs and not seek the tradition herbs and medicine men.