Declaration of education for all and universal primary education is meant to ensure that every child’s right to
education is protected and respected. School and practices and classroom are a key determinant to participation
and achievement of girls and boys. The study aimed at investigating on the influence of school and classroom
practices on girls’ participation and achievement in education. The sample comprised of Two hundred and sixty
six (256) girls in class seven and eight, five head teachers and one Area Education Officer (AEO). Data was
collected using two questionnaires: one questionnaire for girls and the other one for the head teachers and an
interview schedule for the AEO. Results obtained indicated that corporal punishment , teachers motivation, use of
English during interaction, equal distribution of materials and failure to consider girls for prefecture in school
had greatest impacts on girls’ participation and achievement in education. These findings are expected to
stimulate Government concern in provision of quality education to its young generation.