Organizational performance is important in justifying its existence and resources allocation. To
enhance performance Strategic plans have been identified as useful management tools to achieving competitive
advantage. Technical Training institutions have been operating with strategic plans for at least the last ten years;
however no systematic study has been carried out to investigate the influence of the strategic timelines on the
performance of the institutions. The current study sought to investigate the effect of the strategic timelines on
performance of Technical Training Institutions in Meru County. The study used cross sectional descriptive survey
research design. The survey was conducted with the top, middle and lower level management of the institutions.
Questionnaires were used for data collection. Data was analyzed by use of both descriptive and inferential statistics
including frequencies, percentages, means, correlations and the regression analyses. The findings were presented in
tables and figures. The study established that timelines having a significant influence on performance. The
government policy enhanced the effectiveness of the strategic timelines on the performance of technical training
institutions. The researcher recommends the alignment of the institutional philosophy, priorities, innovations and
collaborations to the institutional strategic plans which could improve the performance of Technical Training