Globally. Information and communication Technologies (ICT) have proved to be a key
driver of economic progress and development, enhancing productivity and therefore
economic growth, reducing poverty and improving living standard in many ways. I lie
mobile phone specifically, has emerged as one of the most dynamics forms of 1C Is in the
21a century. The diffusion and adoption of mobile phone technology and its application
has not only become a conduit for economic development in various sectors of the
world’s economy but also in the personal lives of its users.
lhc main objective of this study was to assess the impact of mobile phone technology
and specifically M-pesa on household income. The study used primary data from \leru
County to investigate the impact of M-pesa to the household income. The general focus
in the formulation of economic policies in Kenya has failed to lake into account all the
technologies, particularly M-pesa. l hc main locus lias been on the development of other
types of technologies with the view to enhancing economic growth while ignoring the
various uses of M-pcsa and how it impact on household income
Descriptive methods were used to achieve the objectives of the study Results from the
descriptive analysis show that the m-pcsa is very significant in the household income
There is evidence in the study area that nt-pesa has facilitated economic growth of the
residents more particularly through sending and receiving money The findings further
show that people can bank money in their m-pcsa accounts.
The findings of the study suggest recommendations that are expected to yield increased
use of M-pcsa in the country particularly in the rural areas.