The main aim of this study was to examine the Influence of Management Accounting Practices on Performance of Kisumu County Government. The study aimed specifically to examine how the performance of Kisumu County Government is influenced by financial planning and budgeting and internal control and public finances governance. One of the objects of a transfer is to bring economic resources closer to the people, and effective
public financial management practices are needed to make this felt by the people. The reviewed literature shows that limited studies are being conducted on the same subject and therefore this study aims to fill the gap by contributing to the existing knowledge. In the past six years, Kenya has experienced many challenges despite the improvement of the legislative and institutional frameworks for the management of public finances which
are not in line with the global expected standard practice and therefore lead to a poorer service delivery. This study also aims to strengthen policies that streamline prudent public resource management. The study was based on participatory theory, contingency theory and institutional theory. The study employed mixed research and a deliberate technique for sampling. The county's director and accountants from the treasury of Kisumu County
were among the respondents. In the case of primary data, a questionnaire was used to collect secondary data from the Budget Office, the Office of the Auditor General and the County Treasury Office. In the study qualitative and quantitative data were used. While content analyzes were used for qualitative data analysis, the Social Science Statistics Package Version 25 was used for quantitative data analyzing descriptive and inferential
statistics. The effect of management accounting practices on the Kisumu County Government's performance has been assessed by a multiple linear regression analysis. The main finding was the importance of internal control practices involving monitoring, control environments, and internal audits (F (1, 196) = 156,124).