Aim: To evaluate the effect of tillage practice on soil moisture retention under three cowpea varieties.Study Design: The treatments were laid out in a randomized complete block design with a factorial arrangement and replicated three times.
Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was conducted at St. Theresa farm and Nakamane
irrigation scheme in Turkana county between November 2014 and January 2015.
Methodology: Treatments comprised three tillage practices: conventional tillage (control),
conventional tillage + mulch, and zero tillage and three cowpea varieties: M66, K80, and
Kenkunde. Soil samples were collected using an auger (25 mm internal diameter) from near randomly selected 5 plants at the depth of 15 cm in all treatments at an interval of 7 days. The gravimetric moisture was determined using the FAO equation.
Results: Tillage + mulch and zero tillage conserved 37.07% and 31.63% more moisture than
conventional tillage at St Theresa demo farm, respectively. At Nakamane irrigation scheme, zero
tillage retained more moisture content of 33.02% followed by conventional tillage + mulch at
32.24% as compared to conventional tillage. Significant interaction was realized between tillage
practice and variety at Nakamane experimental site only. The main effects of variety had no effect
on moisture retention.
Conclusion: Tillage practice has significant effect of moisture retention in Turkana county. Any
cowpea variety established has no effect on moisture retention. A broader use of tillage practices
and varieties is advisable for further studies.