The objective of this study was to determine the roles of CBOs in ensuring that
there is sustainable land management. The research was based on case study research
design. The target population was the project officers of the pilot projects, key informants
from the CBOs and farmers in Embu and Bungoma counties. The study employed purposive sampling in selecting the CBOs and farmers who were the members of the organizations. Purposive sampling involved focus on a particular characteristic of a population that are of interest to the researcher and for this case the CBOs involved in sustainable land management were the focus. Data collection was done through data triangulation whereby data was gathered through methods like, document analysis, key informant interviews and focus group discussions to ensure the validity of the information. These successes were seen in the way CBOs participated in pursuit to SLM activities, networking, leadership of the groups, gender participation in organization activities, youth involvement, project monitoring and evaluation and conflict resolution. The study recommended that, depending on the CBOs, different trainings should be provided on project management, identification, planning and monitoring and evaluation.