Early Childhood serves the critical role of preparing young children for subsequent levels of
Education. The study sought to determine the factors that affect the implementation of Early
Childhood Development Education (ECDE) Programme in Imenti South District. Data were
collected from a sample of 297 respondents comprising of ECDE teachers and CMC members.
The instruments for data collection were questionnaires for ECDE teachers, focus group
discussion for CMC members and observation schedules. The validity of the instruments was
established through piloting and expert opinions. A reliability coefficient of 0.81 for ECDE
teacher’s questionnaires was obtained using Spearman Brown Formula. The findings indicated
that parents had a positive attitude towards ECDE programmes. The study recommends that the
Government should provide the required physical facilities and teaching and learning materials
to enable proper implementation of ECDE programme and ensure that the centers have the
required ECDE teachers. The findings will also help the education managers to understand the
challenges faced by ECDE sub-sector and help it to acquire its rightful status.