Many public sector establishments participate in training of staff and have divisions, units and
sectors responsible for training and development. County governments are expected to provide
services to its citizens at the local level. As such, training is critical to achieving organizational
goals and increase employee output. Training of employees at the county is aimed to increase
service delivery, attainment of the county’s goals and increase employee output. The county
government concept is relatively new and the devolved units grapple engaging the newly
recruited employees through numerous training programs in order to improve performance.
Despite intensive training programs performed in the county, there still exist training gaps as
indicated by employee performance appraisal reports. This study aimed at examining the effect
of training on employee performance in Turkana county government, Kenya. The research
objective sought to examine the effect of mentoring, job rotation, apprenticeship, and coaching
on employee performance. The study used descriptive and correlational designs. The study's
sample size was 321 employees, with 15 participants being interviewed and 306 receiving
structured questionnaires. The 15 interviewees were purposively selected while the 306
respondents were chosen using simple random selection procedure. The study used both primary
and secondary data sources. The main instrument of data collection was a questionnaire.
Interview schedules for the managers were also administered as part of the study. The
questionnaire was piloted with 30 objects. Determination of reliability of the questionnaire was
by use of Cronbach's alpha test. A coefficient of 0.745 was obtained indicating that the
instrument was dependable. Content analysis method was used to examine qualitative data and
the findings presented in narrative form. Quantitative data was analyzed through descriptive
statistics that involved measures of central tendency such as means and standard deviations and
results presented using tables. The study used inferential analysis techniques such as correlation
analysis and multiple regression to determine how variables related to one another. The study
confirmed that; mentoring, job rotation, apprenticeship, and coaching positively and significantly
affected Turkana county government’s employee performance. The study found that mentoring
assists mentee in succeeding by improving performance, increasing confidence, and addressing
strengths and weaknesses and that job rotation is intended to expose employees to a wider range
of operations and assists managers in realizing hidden talent. By retaining majority of
apprentices, the county saves money on recruitment and training. Through coaching, employees
gain confidence, expand their professional network and improve their communication skills. The
study concludes that mentoring programs help mentees prevail by refining performance, expand
certainty, and tend to qualities and shortcomings and that job rotation is desired to expose
workers to broad extent of tasks in order to aid superiors in discovering their secret ability. By
holding most apprentices, the county benefits considerably from low staffing and training costs.
The study concludes that coaching gives workers direction on the most proficient method to
augment their capacity to accomplish their career goals. The study recommends that the county
ought to mentor its employees to increase knowledge sharing to advance and encourage
leadership. County administration should establish precise training times and then schedule
accordingly the program's duration to ensure every team member on the teams where employees
rotate understands the program. Also, the county should assume a central part in developing
apprenticeship programs, and give continuous obligation to help the preparation and training
interaction of employees. Finally, the county administration should work on developing a
coaching culture in which employees trust one another, have the ability to question the status
quo, and are willing to collaborate regardless of their position within the organization.