Government institutions are expected to use
procurement planning as an opportunity to
evaluate the entire procurement process in
order to make sound judgments that
promotes the overall implementation of
projects in the procurement of goods, works
and services. As a fundamental part of the
governance and public financial system, the
relationship between Procurement Function
and Larger Public Financial Management is
key for budget preparations and executions.
A procuring entity therefore needs to
understand how each activity will translate
into individual procurement requirement and
to determine the method and duration of
these procurement requirement for effective
implementation of operational activities
within the stipulated time. This paper
critically examines the application of key
issues in procurement planning that public
sector institutions can embrace to influence
positive operational performance in
procurement. Need Identification, Market
Survey, Aggregation, and Procurement
Methods are key indicators discussed to
bring out key areas of the study. Descriptive
research design was used to give a detailed
description of the knowledge levels of
respondents on procurement planning.
Target population included procurement
officers of National Government Ministries.
An accessible population of 120 respondents
was identified, with 74 forming a sample.
62% response rate was realized. The study
used questionnaires to collect primary data.
Secondary data was collected from the
existing literature. ANOVA findings as
explained by the P-Value of 0.000 which is
less than 0.05 (significance level of 5%)
confirms the existence of correlation
between the independent and dependent
variables. The study recommends that to
avoid circumstances where organization
attract huge pending bills at the end of the
fiscal year, procuring entities are required to
coordinate all procurement activities from
procurement plan preparation to payment
and organize major supply agreements for
common use goods and also act as an
advisory body for procurement related